This page is still a work-in-progress.
This page is being worked on. An initial set of links is provided to get you started.
openBVE project-related links
These sites are related to the openBVE project.
- Odakyufan's openBVE Website
- Offline: Odakyufan is one of the developers of openBVE. This site hosted the interim openBVE official site, but is offline due to host issues.
- Railsimroutes
- Website of Anthony B, one of the developers of openBVE. Hosts the detailed Birmingham Cross-City South route and Class 323 3D cab, with various projects underway documented on the blog. New players may be interested in the helpful openBVE Help & Information section.
Site-related links
- GitHub: openbve-unofficial
- The GitHub project for this site. Please submit comments and corrections via the issue tracker.